21 June 2008

Surprise!!! Happy Birthday...

It was a Saturday night. We had just finished dinner with my Parents. GF claims that she had some Melbourne friends who are around town and would like meet up...

So I went along, being a good BF, not complaining... no suspecting anything...

We met at the Carot Cafe at Pavilion.

When we first walked in, I was like, hey that looks like Leong... no way, what a coincidence, Kevin is also around. What is the likely hood that my Darling's friends could meet at the same place...

Then again, that was I first assumed, a few seconds later I realised that it was a surprise Birthday gathering for me!!

Kevin and Kenneth has been my longest buddies. We have known each other for almost 20 years now. We grew up in the same street, Puncak Desa, terrorising the neighbourhood :)

If you want to hear notorious stories, 3 of us has MANY to share. Too many funny stories, only what a 15 year old would do at that time. We too share the days that we were playing Ping Pong, Badminton, Roller Blade, Roller Hockey and Basketball. Just thinking back, it wasn't too long ago we could play and run around for hours and not feel tired. Today... just walking up the stairs makes me tired...

With our busy schedules, all of us find it hard to meet up. But seeing my childhood friends really remind me of the good old days. In a blink of an eye, and 30 years have passed, I wonder what would the journey ahead be.

I would like to Thank every who could attend our small gathering. I would especially like to thank Kevin and Kenneth for their present.

No more surprises OK?... My heart can't take any more surprises :p

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